About the Crash Course
On the day of exam for CFA ® level I, all 10 subjects will be tested on a single day. One of the challenges with CFA exam is that you not only need to learn concepts but you should also be able to revise and reproduce on the day of the exam.
Therefore, we have developed a 6-day Intensive Crash Course where we will help you revise through all important concepts in the curriculum along with large number of practice questions and it will be followed by series of full-length mock examination to give you the experience of the exam day.
Download the PDF files from below Section
Students Corner
The crash course was extremely helpful. As over time, I had forgotten
some minor sections and concepts. They helped me a lot to brush up
my concepts and revise. Mock tests were probably the most important
thing in the whole level one preparation because of which actual paper
turned out to be a walk in the park. JuiceNotes are best revisions material.

Udit Likhite
CFA level III Candidate
Crash course was very helpful especially few days before final exam
with respect to quick revision of the entire session and mock tests are
like cherry on the top.

Prachi Borgaonkar
CFA Level 2 Candidate
Crash course was really very useful as the entire syllabus was covered in such a short span of three days which is kind of difficult to do on our own. Also the high probability areas were being told by Sir which helped us to understand as to which should be the areas of focus. Juice notes are an innovative learning tool for CFA exams and truly helped in revisions.

CA Prajakta Jagtap
CFA Level III Candidate
Fintree’s review session not only helped me to revise the entire topic
but also useful to cover up for some missed sessions. Mock tests help
me to know where I am standing in preparation level and to know
which concepts need more attention.

Rohit Mahable
CFA level 2 Candidate